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"The two most difficult jobs in the world are President of the United States and leader of a church."
- Peter Drucker

Pastors Need Pastoring

According to Barna research, over 50% of pastors are being discouraged out of ministry and 70% experience depression. Pastors today are facing unprecedented rates of loneliness, exhaustion, financial worry, criticism, and mental illness.


Scott has been in some of these hard places and experienced extensive support and recovery. Now, he is eager to support pastors in their personal and ministerial flourishing including their spiritual, emotional, and physical health and sustainability. Studies show that the best way to do this is in a well-facilitated, mutually supportive cohort of fellow pastors.


Virtual pastor cohorts are for lead pastors and church planters everywhere and meet virtually, twice per month during the lunch hour.

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Live pastor cohorts are for lead pastors and church planters everywhere.


Live pastor cohorts meet monthly during lunch in a virtual format, and live once per year in Nashville for a three day intensive.

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